
The Executive Team for UC AMA leads the planning and execution of all events and initiatives for the AMA Collegiate Chapter at the Lindner College of Business.

Chief Operating Officer

Chief Financial Officer

Chief Marketing Officer

Chief Programming Officer

VP of Information

VP of Social Media

CATALYST Marketing President

Faculty Advisor

Ric Sweeney is a Professor of Marketing at the University of Cincinnati’s Carl H Lindner College of Business. He also serves as Faculty Advisor for UC DECA, and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, Delta Sigma Pi, Order of Omega, Omicron Delta Kappa, and the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity.

Ric has been involved with the American Marketing Association since 1996 in a variety of volunteer positions locally and nationally, serving as Chair of the International Board of Directors in 2014-2015 and as Chair for the AMA Foundation 2021-2023.

Ric has been recognized by the University of Cincinnati for excellence in teaching and service and has received numerous awards for, including:

  • EXCEL Undergraduate Teaching Award
  • Boyd Innovation Award
  • Harold Grilliot Award
  • Barbour Award and Cohen Award, the University’s top awards for excellence.
  • 2018 Cincinnati Marketing Legend by the Cincinnati American Marketing Association.